It's Octoberrrrr.... It's hot, it's cold, it's reaching the end of the year. Well, that means it's time for me to do something la har..

From now on, most of my time will be spent on just 4 things. WOW, Studies, Guitar, Duet Acting. Sadly, their in order. Which means that the first one i mentioned will be my top priority. I just can't get myself off WOW, but I'll try. As for studies, everyone is studying this time. I wonder why. Even the likes of.. Weijun, MingJoe, even JanJean is studying. Guitar, the teacher kinda emo me already. And Duet Acting, well, nothing to say. HEE:)

Sekarang, hidupku seumpama perut lembu, yang mempunyai 4 chamber. Itulah hidupku. Sekarang, ia terbahagi kepada 4 chamber.

No worries, everyday activity will still be on, ONLINE. :)

Edwin Bak